Saturday, September 19, 2009

I have learned

I Have Learned Silence From The Talkative,

Tolerance From The Intolerant,

Appreciation From The Ungrateful,

And Kindness From The Unkind.

In anger, I discovered what forgiveness means.

In frustration, I learned to wait a little longer.

In sickness, I learned to appreciate simply living.

I have learned creativity from poverty,

compassion from pain,

joy from sorrow.

In weakness, I found I was stronger than I ever imagined.

Strangly, I Am Grateful For My Teachers and each of my lessons, For They Have Made Me All that I am, and all they will never be...

(part of this is from another quote I found, that got me thinking on all the things I have learned from the things I've experienced in my little world)

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