Monday, August 14, 2017

I'll See Your Tired and Raise You Another Murdered Black Person

I was briefly involved in an online discussion today where someone was complaining about all the posts and uproar over the latest hate fueled tragedy, this one in Charlottesville, VA. All I wanted to do was circle the word LATEST and hand it back to them.
Do people not understand that this is not just a bunch of people running around and randomly protesting? We, as I have become one of "those people," are simply responding to ANOTHER insult to humanity perpetrated by the hateful and ignorant.
You may be tired of hearing about it, but what about those who are experiencing it? Don't you think they are tired? Jesus I'm tired and I am not black, or LGBTQIA, or Muslim...short of being male and rich I could not be anymore privileged. I don't have to be wounded day after day by the unkind because of my faith, gender, sexuality, religion, or race.

Yes, as someone felt the need to point out, I am white. I am also a human and I refuse to let my lack of discomfort lull me into complacency.
I refuse to sit silent while God's children are broken. I refuse to let the hateful racist Jesus you disgustingly portray be the only one my children or the world sees.
So yes, you may be tired of hearing about it, but we, all of us, the persecuted and those who love them, are tired too.
We are tired of black men dying while following an officer's orders, we are tired of transgender people being denied basic human rights, we are tired of the  minimisation of racism, hatred, and murder.

1 comment:

  1. Tragedies are part of life , we should not show hatred for others .Its good to share your positive reviews but discouraging and underestimating each other is not good .


Fathers Day

 May your words and actions as a father define and consume you today and everyday. May every failure to love and protect be amplified when y...